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One movement

TPR is a worldwide community of individuals who have the goal of building wealth, making money work for them to make more money from it by educating and properly positioning themselves in the three largest financial markets.






Fulltime earner



Our partner

iGenius is a subsidiary of a publicly traded company called Investview that empowers people to take control of their future, embrace change, live smarter, and see the world differently.



Miguel Vees

It was important for me to find a company that reflected the same morals that I was brought up with. iGenius gave me the right information to change my situation.

Benoit Thierry

With the iGenius financial educational platform, tools, and training, I changed my vision and relationship with money. I was able to start investing my money more intelligently in the different markets.

Jeremy Harding

We have a University where we can take the time to educate ourselves and gain a more in depth knowledge. If you think about investing, but don't know where to start, this is a great way to learn more.

Winona Twin

My initial sign up was for my interest in forex, but after learning from the iGenius University education material, I have gained a new interest in crypto. I'm convinced that it is the way of the future and I refuse to be left behind.

Eman Gelan

The biggest positive impact this organization has truly brought into my life was the complete shift of mindset. My mindset changed 360 degrees for the better, especially in the beginning when I started out as a complete beginner in trading and investing.

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The Trading People Revolution has the vision to create something big, to give opportunities and to inspire others in the process.


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